
Abhijit Paul

ML Engineer by aspiration, Automation Engineer by experience, Team Lead
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Know About Me

11 Years Experience





Data Science


Machine Learning


ML Ops






In my current role as a Python Test Automation Developer, I thrive on exploring data and domain before translating it into actionable item. I have spent around 11+ years in the BFSI domain exploring mutiple businesses and veriticals within. I have pursued certification courses on Data Science, Machine Learning and simulatenously working on developing End-to-End Machine learning internship projects. My goal is to step-in into the Machine Learning ecosystem of Data Science as an ML Engineer.

My Journey

I am a mathematics-loving individual with a strong academic background and a passion for data-driven problem-solving. As an engineering graduate from RTU, Rajasthan, specializing in Computer Science, I have consistently demonstrated my dedication to academic excellence and achieved an Honours in my Engineering Degree. 

I started my career with BNY Mellon as a QA Engineer. Eventually I kept on upskilling myself, which helped me to get into the field of Test Automation & SQL during my stay at FIS (SunGard) where I realized the power of leveraging data to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. 

I constantly kept on exploring Python programming language, its niche and beyond. I had amazing experience in terms of corporate exposure, office environment, team learning and what not. In my current organisation Trading Technologies , I got an exposure to look after the automation of an entire Frontend Trading Platform as well as managing the complex Test Framework. While working on historical stock price data, I discovered my fascination for Data Analysis. This marked my initial exposure to Data Science and Power BI, where I realized the power of leveraging data to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. 

In my role as a Python Test Automation Developer, I thrive on exploring data and domain before translating it into actionable item. I have spent around 10+ years in the BFSI domain exploring mutiple businesses and veriticals within. I have pursued courses on Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and simulatenously working on developing End-to-End Machine learning internship projects. My goal is to step-in into the Machine Learning ecosystem of Data Science as an ML Engineer 

Through continuous learning, I have honed my skills in Application Programming using Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, End to End Project Development using Python, Database , HTML, CSS, AWS Cloud Deployments, SQL, and Agile methodologies such as Scrum. 

I am currently seeking an exciting role in Data Science/Machine Learning, where I can further enhance my skills and make a positive impact on organizations and end-users alike. I am driven by the opportunity to leverage my expertise in Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Team Lead to contribute to the growth and success of an organization. 

My Resume

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Working Experience

August, 2021-Present

Senior SDET

Trading Technologies, Pune

  • Automation Planning and Scope Definition
  • Task Allocation and Team Management
  • Risk Identification and Mitigation
  • Analyzing the efforts to automate required product features and functionalities
  • Optimizing the code to enhance readability, maintainability, and performance
  • Ensuring best coding practices are being adhered to
  • Maintaining CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing and deployment of applications

February, 2015-August, 2021

Lead Test Automation Engineer

FIS, Pune

  • Migrating VBScript to Python based test automation framework
  • Creating and maintaining Jenkins CI/CD pipeline for regression cycles
  • Creating BDD test automation framework using Python from scratch
  • Using Page Objects Model, creating modular test automation framework
  • Optimizing the code to enhance readability, maintainability, and performance
  • Identifying functionality gaps to be automated
  • Handling BU queries and mentoring Pune based team for the product line

December, 2012-January, 2015


Bank Of New York Mellon, Pune

  • Developing test automation scripts using VBScript for the product team
  • Handling Daily Sanity and Monthly Regression cycles
  • Perform ETL testing for pricing and rating feeds

My Portfolio

My Projects

  • All
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • NLP and LLMs
  • Data Visualisation
  • Web Development





Credit Card Default Prediction



Gemstone Price Prediction



Spam Scanner



Restaurant Rating Prediction



Flipkart Web Scrapper


From Blog

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Everything about Python

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Python Basics, Python Data types, Control Flows, Lambda & Recursion Function, Iterators, Generators, Exception Handling, Logging With Python, OOPs Concepts in details, Decorators, Constructors & Destructors, Duck Typing, MultiThreading.


Iterable, Ordered, Mutable, and Hashable Python Objects

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Python Objects


An iterable object in Python is an object that can be looped over for extracting its items one by one applying a certain operation on each item and returning the results. Further details explaination on Ordered vs. Unordered & Mutable vs. Immutable, Hashable vs. Unhashable.


Flask - Web Framework

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Flask is a micro web development framework written in Python. It is classified as a micro framework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions.


Memoization in Python

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Memoization is an optimization technique that makes a program/application more efficient and hence faster. It does this by storing computation results in cache, and retrieving the same information from the cache the next time it’s needed instead of computing it again.